Ippon Blog

4 Reasons to Build a Data Strategy Before Greenlighting a DataCloud Launch™ Implementation

Written by Steven MacLauchlan | Jun 13, 2024 12:00:00 PM

Rapid-implementation data platforms and tools play an essential role in helping organizations modernize and streamline their data management practices. However, the best tools can only be effective when the organization has a clear understanding of what it’s working toward building with these tools. Case in point: Even with the ubiquity of powerful cloud data models today, 86% of data management decision-makers report that they encounter difficulties integrating data from different sources, and almost an equal number – 82% – report experiencing difficulties integrating their own data to do analyses, according to a 2022 Forrester research study commissioned by Capital One. To be successful with data management goals, businesses need a clear, ambitious data management strategy.

At Ippon, when we deploy our 10-week DataCloud Launch™ solution to rapidly stand up Snowflake, we want our clients to already have their data strategy in place. DataCloud Launch™ builds in a few weeks at the beginning to ensure we’re comprehensively drawing out this data strategy from the client, but that’s just enough time to clarify the strategy – not to develop the strategy from scratch. Thus, we advise our clients who don’t have a solid data strategy to invest in creating one – before they move forward with DataCloud Launch™. Let’s explore four key messages we share with our clients about why they need a solid data strategy prior to DataCloud Launch™ implementation:

  1. A solid data strategy provides a seamless transition to DataCloud Launch™: When businesses invest in developing a data strategy, they’re investing in developing clarity around the ideal future state of data management practices in their organization – and what steps they will take to get there. The data strategy clarifies the organization’s overarching data goals, priorities, and needs. These insights serve as a foundational starting point for DataCloud Launch™. Indeed, the first few weeks of every 10-week DataCloud Launch™ implementation are spent working to articulate and clarify what the organization is working to build and achieve over the long term on the data front. Thus, a solid data strategy paves the way for our clients to seamlessly and expeditiously transition to their DataCloud Launch™ implementation.
  2. A solid data strategy helps make a strong business case for Snowflake: Before an organization can implement Snowflake – whether via a rapid-implementation offering or not – the organization must build a compelling business case for why Snowflake will be worth the investment. The process of developing a solid data strategy helps the organization to understand what its long-term data management goals are, and to define what the return on a Snowflake investment has the potential to be.
  3. A solid data strategy helps inform how performance metrics get set during DataCloud Launch™: A key part of a DataCloud Launch™ implementation involves establishing customized performance metrics for tracking the progress and successes of the organization’s Snowflake investment. To ensure these performance metrics are insightful, the metrics need to flow from and be aligned with the organization’s data strategy. Thus, a solid data strategy is the foundation for setting relevant performance metrics during a DataCloud Launch™ implementation.
  4. A solid data strategy keeps your in-house team focused and aligned during DataCloud Launch™: The 10-week implementation period for DataCloud Launch™ goes by fast, so it’s important that every team member remains fully educated and engaged every week. Having a solid data strategy provides a high-level overview for every in-house team about what the organization is working toward and why it matters. This much-needed perspective helps keep every in-house team member as focused and aligned as they need to be throughout a DataCloud Launch™ implementation.

Ippon encourages all of our clients to develop a solid data strategy before moving forward with DataCloud Launch™ implementation. We have multiple reasons for making this recommendation, including that the data strategy will provide a seamless transition to the Snowflake implementation that follows, will help inform how performance metrics get set during DataCloud Launch™ implementation, and will keep the client’s in-house team aligned and focused during implementation. Moreover, even before beginning implementation, a solid data strategy will help our client build a strong business case for implementing Snowflake.

To learn more about the strategic importance of not moving forward with DataCloud Launch™ implementation until a solid data strategy is in place, please visit https://info.ippon.tech/datacloud-launch or contact us here.