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Setting up a shared library and seed job in Jenkins - Part 2


In this second part of the series, we will be setting up a Jenkins Shared library to execute our Jenkins jobs. As the complexity and number of jobs you maintain grow, the use of Shared Libraries provides the ability to share and reuse code across jobs for CI and CD processes.

In order to set up a practical application with our seedJob, we will modify seed.groovy to build a Pipeline job (deployment job) and a Multibranch Pipeline job (test job). By the end of this series, you will have a foundation set up to onboard micro services consistently as well as execute certain stages specific to the Jenkins jobs you are running.

Source Code

The source code is available below


  1. Jenkins running in a Docker container built from kcrane121/maven-jenkins:blog.
  2. seedJob set up from Part 1.

Part 2 Goals

  1. Configure Jenkins to use microservice-pipelines
    as our Shared Library for executing jobs.
    • As the number of jobs you use in Jenkins grows, the amount of duplicate code between jobs can become overwhelming to maintain while new requirements for all of your jobs are introduced. The Shared Library functionality within Jenkins allows you to consolidate the code you use within one repository to be shared across your jobs.
  2. Configure seed.groovy to create a Pipeline Job (deployment job) and Multibranch Pipeline Job (test job) per service.
  3. Create jenkinsJob.groovy to be used by our micro services as the entry point into our Shared Library.
  4. Set up a Jenkinsfile in poc-micro to use microservice-pipelines Shared Library.

Goal 1

Configure default Shared Library set up for Jenkins

Since we will be using a Shared library, Jenkins needs to be set up to use our Shared Library.

  1. Navigate to Dashboard > select Manage Jenkins > select Configure System > scroll down to Global Pipeline Libraries > select Add
  2. Enter microservice-pipelines in the Name field
  3. Enter master in Default Version
    • This tells jenkins which branch of our Shared Library we plan to use by default.
  4. Under Source Code Management, select Git
  5. In the Project Repository field, enter > select Save.

jenkins shared library configuration

Goal 2

We are going to modify seed.groovy to build a Pipeline job and Multibranch Pipeline job for all services we onboard.

Update seedJob to use a part2 branch we will create in microservice-pipelines

  1. Navigate to Dashboard > select seedJob > select Configure.
  2. Under Source Code Management, change the Branch Specifier to */part2.

Updating microservice-pipelines to build our deployment and test jobs

We are going to leave the master branch of microservice-pipelines alone to ensure it works with Part 1 of this series. In order for us to do this, we will introduce the changes to the seed.groovy job on branch part2 of microservice-pipelines.

Adding pipelineJob and multibranchPipelineJob to seed.groovy

  1. Create a new branch part2 in microservice-pipelines.
  2. In the part2 branch, remove the original code in seed.groovy and paste in the below code.
    • For a better understanding of the pipelineJob and multibranchPipelineJob, make sure to go back and check the Jenkins Job DSL API.
def createDeploymentJob(jobName, repoUrl) {
    pipelineJob(jobName) {
        definition {
            cpsScm {
                scm {
                    git {
                        remote {
                        extensions {

def createTestJob(jobName, repoUrl) {
    multibranchPipelineJob(jobName) {
        branchSources {
            git {
        triggers {
            cron("H/5 * * * *")

Add method to execute the building of the pipelineJob and multibranchPipelineJob

Finally we will need to trigger the building of the specific poc-micro_deploy and poc-micro_test jobs we are onboarding.

  • Hard code the repo variable with
  • Set up the deployName variable by using the repo variable and the jobName (poc-micro) when creating the pipelineJob.
  • Set up the testName variable by using the repo variable and the jobName (poc-micro) when creating the multibranchPipelineJob.
  • You can see the full contents of seed.groovy in the part2 branch of microservice-pipelines on github.
def buildPipelineJobs() {
    def repo = ""
    def repoUrl = repo + jobName + ".git"
    def deployName = jobName + "_deploy"
    def testName = jobName + "_test"

    createDeploymentJob(deployName, repoUrl)
    createTestJob(testName, repoUrl)


Goal 3

Since we will be setting up all of our stages in a Shared Library, we need to set up a groovy script (jenkinsJob.groovy) that the poc-micro service points to from its Jenkinsfile.

Adding jenkinsJob.groovy to microservice-pipelines

We are going to set up our jenkinsJob.groovy file to checkout our micro service code from source control and execute specific maven commands depending on the job that is running.

  1. Check out our microservice repository.
  2. Read from the environment variables (env.JOB_NAME) in order to obtain the Jenkins job name.
    • deployName = poc-micro_deploy = env.JOB_NAME
    • testName = poc-micro_test = env.JOB_NAME
    • Check out Jenkins Set Environment Variables section at the Building a software project Jenkins wiki for more information on env.JOB_NAME.

Create and add the below code to vars/jenkinsJob.groovy in the part2 branch of microservice-pipelines.

def call(){
    node {
        stage('Checkout') {
            checkout scm

        // Execute different stages depending on the job
        } else if(env.JOB_NAME.contains("test")) {

def packageArtifact(){
    stage("Package artifact") {
        sh "mvn package"

def buildAndTest(){
    stage("Backend tests"){
        sh "mvn test"

Goal 4

In order for our micro services to execute in Jenkins, we need a Jenkinsfile in poc-micro.

Setting up our Jenkinsfile in our microservice

We will configure a Jenkinsfile in our microservices to point to our microservice-pipelines Shared Library.

  • Note We are introducing the version specifier feature associated with the @Library annotation in Shared Libraries here. Within the @Library annotation, you will always need to provide the name of your Shared Library (e.g. @Library("microservice-pipelines)). However, if you add another @ sign at the end of the Shared Library name (microservive-pipelines), you can tell your Jenkinsfile to read specific branches or tags from your Shared Library. In fact, in the code below, that is what we did. We are signaling our Jenkinsfile to use the part2 branch of our Shared Library with @part2 (e.g. @Library("microservice-pipelines@part2")).
  1. At the root of your project, update the Jenkinsfile with the below code.
#!/usr/bin/env groovy

// Configure using microservice-pipelines and using "part2" branch
@Library("microservice-pipelines@part2") _

// Entry point into microservice-pipelines

Running the seedJob

All of our configuration is set up and our repositories are ready to use. We will now run our seedJob to create our pipelineJob and multibranchPipelineJob based on our seed.groovy set up.

  1. Navigate to Dashboard > select seedJob -> select Build with Parameters > enter poc-micro in jobName > select Build.
    • Reminder Since we changed seed.groovyon our part2 branch of microservice-pipelines repository, this script will require an admin approval in Jenkins.
  2. Navigate to Dashboard > select Manage Jenkins > select In-process Script Approval > select Approve.
  3. Navigate to Dashboard > select seedJob -> select Build with Parameters > enter poc-micro in jobName > select Build.
  4. Navigate to Dashboard > verify poc-micro_test and poc-micro_deploy jobs were created.
    • You will need to repeat this step for all micro services you plan to onboard.

jenkins shared library configuration

Running poc-micro_test job

Now you have a poc-micro_test job that will run every 5 minutes based on the cron we set up, but you can also trigger it manually.

  1. Navigate to Dashboard > select poc-micro_test > select master > select Build Now
  2. Under Build History, select the blinking blue circle (red if previous failure) > Observe mvn test executing in Console Output.

Running poc-micro_deploy job

We can also observe the poc-micro_deploy job executing mvn package.

  1. Navigate to Dashboard > select poc-micro_deploy > select Build Now
  2. Under Build History, select the blinking blue circle (red if previous failure) > Observe mvn package executing in Console Output.


During this series we set up a seed job that was used to create a pipelineJob (deploy job) and multibranchPipelineJob (test job) when onboarding our poc-micro micro service with our seedJob. Additionally, we set up our Shared Library to use jenkinsJob.groovy to handle the logic that determines which stages are executed depending on the currently running job (env.JOB_NAME). By using a combination of a "seed" job and Shared Libraries, you now have a foundation set up to onboard any number of services the same way while maintaining job specific stage execution. This provides you the ability to streamline your CI and CD requirements for microservices.


Post by Kyle Crane
May 28, 2018 11:52:00 AM


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