Since late 2023, Snowflake has released many new cost-observability tools that allow customers to analyze queries at their most granular level. It’s now possible to monitor cost and efficiency on Snowflake with sub-second precision. However, these tools are only as useful as the accountability an organization applies towards using them.
Ippon’s Snowflake Concierge service brings enormous benefits, like access to niche skills on-demand, AI experimentation, and a cloud consumption model for services, but one of its most impactful benefits is cost accountability. Your Concierge leverages the Ippon and Snowflake toolboxes to profile your architecture, suggest or make corrections, and coach your team on how to sustain the benefits of any changes made.
But for accountability to last beyond your Concierge term—a goal Ippon always sets out to achieve—your team will need to adopt changes suggested by the Concierge and prevent costly choices from repeating themselves. Achieving these goals requires time, effort, and care by your team and are valuable accomplishments. Over time, this also makes the Concierge’s work easier, allowing more focus on new insights. Ippon’s Snowflake Concierge service recognizes these achievements by providing a reward to the customer’s team for goals completed throughout the term.
To demonstrate our commitment to improving your team’s efficiency on Snowflake, Ippon’s Concierge service includes a rewards system that allows customers to earn up to 5% back on their final invoice when specific goals are achieved. Our experts are passionate about mentoring and guiding clients toward becoming more efficient teams, and as our primary focus is your team's long-term success, this system provides added motivation to help reach that goal.
Beyond the financial reward, this system offers several additional advantages. It helps establish clear, measurable objectives while also recognizing the individuals who contribute to reaching them. Moreover, it fosters collaboration between your team and our experts, ensuring you maximize the value of this offering.
At the beginning of the engagement, your Concierge will work with you to establish up to five objectives that, when reached, yield significant improvements to your environment. These objectives are chosen from a combination of the customer’s existing goals and concerns, as well as areas of improvement identified by our experts. For example, one goal may be to reduce compute costs by 10% for an unoptimized job, and another may be to enable MFA for all users to address security risks.
The progress of each goal is then reviewed at the end of each quarter. This gives us the opportunity to identify what (if anything) needs to change in order to achieve these objectives, as well as validate that the objectives continue to align with your organization’s goals. While these goals are not designed to be altered, we understand the dynamic nature of an organization’s needs and want to ensure that we are continuously working towards a high-impact outcome that makes sense for your team.
On a customer’s last invoice of the year, they will receive up to a 5% discount depending on which goals were met. The value assigned to each goal is dependent on the effort required as well as importance. For example:
Goal A: 2%
Goal B: 1%
Goal C: 2%
If all three goals were met, the customer will receive the full 5% reward. However, if only goals A and B are met, the customer will receive a 3% reward.
In short, our experts are passionate about helping customers maximize their Snowflake investment. The rewards system is designed to further motivate clients to reach these milestones because we recognize their importance to long-term success, and we want to celebrate when those achievements are hit.
To learn more about Ippon’s Concierge service or schedule a consultation, Click Here!