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Audit your data with JaVers

The data contained in PHI can be used to generate identities, obtain health services, submit false insurance claims, order pharmaceuticals, and perform other illegal acts. That is why auditing PHI is critical: the ability to show who, when, and how the data is used.

On the application layer, the two primary tools for data auditing are Envers and JaVers.

  • Envers is a core Hibernate module. It provides an easy auditing solution when using Hibernate or JPA. Envers is not an option if you are using a NoSQL database.
  • JaVers is a lightweight Java library for auditing changes in your data. It can be used with any kind of database and any kind of persistence framework since the audit data is easily decoupled from live data; we can choose where to store it.

Audit trail with JaVers

Since our client is mainly using MongoDB, we chose to use JaVers.
JaVers is an audit log framework that helps to track changes of entities in the application.

The usage of this tool is not limited to debugging and auditing only. It can be successfully applied to perform analysis and force security policies.

Spring Boot Integration and Setup

JaVers provides a Spring Boot starter that integrates all the required JaVers beans with the default configuration.



JaVers repository configuration

JaVers Spring Boot starter is configured to reuse the application's persistent data store. This is managed by Spring Data.
Alternatively, we can choose to store JaVers data in a separate database, as shown below:

    host: localhost
    port: 27017
    database: javers-audit
    authentication-database: admin
    username: javers
    password: encryptedPassword


    uri: mongodb://javers:password@localhost:27017/javers-audit&authSource=admin

Auto-audit annotations

Auditing specific entities can be done quickly without additional code. Simply add the @JaversSpringDataAuditable annotation on the corresponding Spring Data repositories.

Example on MongoRepository

import org.javers.spring.annotation.JaversSpringDataAuditable
import org.javers.organization.structure.domain.Person;

public interface PersonRepository extends MongoRepository<Person, String> {

JaVers will audit all the changes made to Person objects.

In case of a custom repository, the @JaversAuditable annotation needs to be added at the method level:

class UserRepository {

    public void save(User user) {

    public User find(String login) {

For fine-grained control, the JaVers Spring bean can be used:

class PersonService {
    private final Javers javers;
    private final PersonRepository personRepository;

    public PersonService(Javers javers, PersonRepository personRepository) {
        this.javers = javers;
        this.personRepository = personRepository;

    public void save(Person person) {;

        if ( == DayOfWeek.FRIDAY){
            javers.commit("author", person);

In this example the auditing is only recorded on Fridays.

Domain model annotations

One of the challenges our client faced was keeping the size of the audited data reasonable. JaVers provides a good domain model configuration. We were able to use the @ValueObject annotation at the class level to audit our embedded objects.

Example :

public class Address {
    private final String city;
    private final String street;
    private final String zipCode;

    public Address(String city, String street, String zipCode) { = city;
        this.street = street;
        this.zipCode = zipCode;

    // Value Object instances are compared property-by-property,
    // so the Object.equals() method is ignored by Javers
    public boolean equals(Object o) {

We also excluded from the audit all the no-PHI data using the @DiffIgnore annotation.

Example :

class MongoStoredEntity {

    // ...

    private String description

    // ...

Retrieving Audit Information from JaVers datastore

As mentioned earlier, we stored all our auditing data in a separate Mongo collection from client-facing data. However, we needed to find a way to display the information collected. JaVers provides its own JaVers Query Language (JQL), which can be used to query the JaVers Repository for changes on a given class, object, or property.

Data can be retrieved from JaVers in three possible ways: Shadows, Changes, and Snapshots.

  • Shadows are historical versions of objects
  • Changes show the difference between two objects
  • Snapshots show the state of an object at a point in time

JaVers uses the primary key on the table or collection in order to compile this information.


Shadows easily offer a view of data history. Shadows are instances of your object from different points in time. Since Shadows are instances of your domain classes, they can be easily used.


Employee bob = new Employee("bob",
                             new Address("London"));
      javers.commit("author", bob) ;      // initial commit

      bob.setSalary(1200)  ;                // changes
      bob.getPrimaryAddress().setCity("Paris");  //
      javers.commit("author", bob);       // second commit

With the transactions above, we can query the following:

Shadows shadows = javers.findShadows(QueryBuilder.byInstance(bob).build());

Shadows, as provided here is a wrapper object containing all the distinct instances of the Employee object Bob.


Snapshots are the historical state of a domain object captured as the property-value map. Snapshots are raw data stored in the 'JaversRepository'. When an object is committed, JaVers makes a snapshot of its state and persists it. JaVers reuses snapshots and creates a new one only when a given object is changed. This mechanism allows the user to save repository space. In addition, you can use the snapshot version to retrieve the snapshot for an object version. The snapshot version is local for each object stored in the JaversRepository. When an object is committed for the first time, it has version 1. In the next commit, it gets version 2 and so on.

JaVers fetches snapshots in reverse chronological order.

Looking once again at Bob, when we query the following:

List<CdoSnapshot> snapshots = javers.findSnapshots( QueryBuilder.byInstance(bob).build());

CdoSnapshot, is a wrapper object containing the historical state of an object at a point in time.


The Changes view of JaVers provides the list of differences between versions of a domain object. Changes are calculated as the difference between snapshots loaded from the 'JaVers Repository'. As per our client requirements, we needed to display the changes for an object from creation. As such we decided to use the findChanges method to do so. There are three types of changes tracked by JaVers: 'NewObject', 'ObjectRemoved', and 'PropertyChange'.

Let us revisit the example of Bob. When we query the following and print the changes,

Changes changes = javers.findChanges( QueryBuilder.byInstance(bob).build());
System.out.println( changes.prettyPrint());

we see a query result of:

Commit 2.0 done by author at 13 Apr 2018, 23:27:38 :
* changes on Employee/bob :
  - '' changed from 'London' to 'Paris'
  - 'salary' changed from '1000' to '1200'


As a complementary solution, the JaVers audit logs should be consolidated in real-time into a centralized log system to monitor and enable security alerts on top of the audit logs, and give read access to a third party auditor.


Post by Amine Ouali Alami
Feb 20, 2020 7:38:00 AM


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